Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

While reading the story of Jonah...
me:  "Jonah didn't obey God, and there were consequences for his actions.  Just like you have consequences when you don't obey mommy and daddy."
A:  "I could be in a whale's belly."

Camille is tired/ hungry and is crying on our drive home.
A:  "Camille, stop fussing.  No more drama!"
       (if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black...)


I'm putting Adeline to bed...
me:  "Adeline, mommy needs to go downstairs now.  Mr Salada is coming to pick up something."
A:  "Is he going to take the cupcakes?"


me:  "Adeline, you need to learn to pee in the potty like a big girl."
A:  "I don't want to be a big girl.  I want to be a baby girl!"

Head over to Mary's for more tiny talkers.


krista said...

These are great! I can so relate...

Janiece said...

Thanks for making me smile, Adeline!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Oh my word - I love this age! She is so cute!!! I wouldn't want someone to steal the cupcakes either!!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

SO cute! I love her telling her sis to stop the drama!!