Sunday, May 18, 2008

Lessons in Sunday School

I was inspired to share my ah ha moment from Sunday school yesterday after reading this post at Ginger's blog...

We just started Shepherding a Child's Heart in our Sunday School class. In part of the video this week, it talked about how David when he prayed, didn't pray, "Lord, help me not to sin me not to murder or be adulterous." He prayed, "Create in me a clean heart, oh Lord." I was convicted that sometimes we (aka I) pray for the outward behavior, not to gossip, not to yell at our husband or kids, not to dwell on lustful images that pop in our brains.  Instead of JUST praying to not have the manifestation of our sin appear in our outward behaviors, we/I need to pray for a CHANGED HEART and the behavior I desire will naturally flow from my changed heart.  After all, if I hate someone in my heart, I have already committed murder in God's eyes.  What good is it not to yell at our loved ones if we still harbor bitterness, anger, or impatience in our hearts?  Lord, please change my heart to be more like YOU and less like my sinful tendencies.


Anonymous said...

Awesome Lynn! I find I get so caught up in praying for everything except that pure heart that should always be first on my list.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I needed this today :)

Mari said...

That's a great insight. I too, pray for changed behavior inside of praying for what is needed to change the behavior. Thanks for sharing this.

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Great insight Lynn. That is one of my favorite parenting books. So awesome!

You'll really like 'Don't make me count to three' as well.

I loved your thoughts on this. I haven't read the book in a long time and needed this reminder.

Jenni S. said...

Thank you for this reminder, Lynn. It really spoke to me as this is something I, too, have been working on lately. I've prayed Psalm 51 so many times I now have it memorized!

Earen said...

What a great reminder...thank you.

krista said...

I so appreciate all the "Heart Instruction" that Pete and I have received by being a part of the Sovereign Grace family. God's grace is continually transforming and this book has brought many ah ha moments and hope to our lives.

I still have so much to learn.
Thanks for sharing! :-)

Momma Roar said...

This is sooo good!

Love the pictures too - when did you guys get married?

Jen said...

That book is on my list of parenting books to read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - it was a great reminder of how we should focus on purity of heart.

Short Stop said...

This post spoke right to me. Thank you for writing it.

I love this book. Jason (the reader in our house) has read it several times, and this reminded me that I should read it again.