Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Camille Turns ONE...practice party

My BABY is ONE!!!  I haven't posted much about this yet.....I've been busy.  Her birthday was May 9 (Mother's Day).  We had her party the following Saturday (the 15th) because...well...she doesn't know the difference, and it worked better for everyone's schedules.  Our good friends, the Salada's, couldn't make it to her party, so they had us over to celebrate on Monday.  She got to eat cake TWICE!

"Really, mom....I can eat this?!?"


"Maybe I should share some with daddy"

Thanks Salada's!  We missed you on Saturday, but we sure had a blast on Monday.


Mari said...

Happy Birthday to Camille! I can't believe she's a year old!

Muthering Heights said...

Awww, happy birthday to her! :)

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

I love her expressions in those first two pictures!!