So today has been full of packing, packing, laundry, and more packing. Tomorrow morning, Adeline and I leave Korea forever. I have so many thoughts floating through my head about what I'll miss, why I can't wait to get home, and then various other "what am I forgetting?" thoughts mixed in there. I don't feel eloquent enough or have the time to write about it all now. If you think of us Friday night or Saturday for those of you in the US (or anytime Sat for those of you in Korea)
pray. In order to save the over $2000 that it would have cost to get a seat for Adeline, she is riding "in my lap." We all know how long that will last. I am blessed that she is indeed "a cuddler", however she is 16 mo and has an agenda that usually involves moving and exploring (pray for little turbulance so we can pace the aisles). We have two layovers...a quick one in Tokyo and then 3 1/2 hours in Detroit. We finally get into Baltimore at 7:07 pm (love those flight times...not 7 or 7:15, 7:07).
Tonight we say goodbye to some dear friends, and tomorrow we reunite with some we haven't seen for a long time. Goodbye Korea, this chapter is done....well, almost...Patrick still lives here. :o)
It was great to read your posts about Korea and the things you have done. It gave me a good idea of what to expect and some ideas of things to do. Enjoy the flight home. Hope you enjoy being back in the states.
I've already been thinking about your travels. I didn't realize Adeline would be riding on your lap - that is gonna call for a whole new set of prayers! ;-)
I'm sure this time is bittersweet. Thanks for sharing the sites of Korea and I look forward to more journeys in the states - maybe even together! :D
I have been thinking of you this week!!! I am sure today will be hard - saying those good byes but looking forward to being home with your family.
I have loved hearing about your adventures in Korea. It has been so fun. I can't wait to read about your new adventures back in the US.
I will definitely be praying for you! Safe travels my friend!
Wow. You are really moving back, huh? Being a girl who has moved a lot myself, I feel your pain right now with the packing, planning, flying, saying goodbyes (UGH) and all the craziness that ensues because hubby is not quite coming with you yet. I will be praying today for a "sleepy" trip for Adeline and a great one for you.
How exciting that you are coming home though. To Maryland - right? I used to live in VA and I have a ton of friends still there and in Washington D.C. If I ever take a trip out there again - how fun would it be to meet in person?
Get home safe. We will look forward to hearing about your journey back home.
yayy!!! we will definitely say a prayer for you guys is all more than worth it when you get to see family, fresh air and pf changs...
Your post today made me all weepy. Maybe from excitement from knowing I'll soon see you or from imaging what you are trying to accomplish today and tomorrow. I'll be praying for you and Adeline. And for Patrick, too. He is going to miss his girls!
You did Awesome in Korea.
I can't believe your time there is done. I so appreciate all the information and support you gave me when Andy was preparing to go there - you have been a real blessing. Of course, I'll still be following your adventures - just in another place. I'll be praying for you on this last day and for your travels.
Wow, I can't believe your time in Korea is over already! You have been on my mind and in my prayers alot this week. Hope all goes smoothly, especially with that energetic little explorer of yours! :o)
Will you be "home" to visit your parents soon? I'd love to get together!
safe travels my friend! i sure hope to see you here in the states if david and i ever feel strong enough to visit his family in dc. maybe we'll just come visit you guys. :P either way, you're always welcome here!
love you and that entry made me all weepy too. :P
I so enjoyed reading about your adventures in Korea. This chapter in your life is over and a new one begins. I can only imagine the excitement, anticipation and maybe even some anxiety that you must be feeling. Praying all goes well with your flight and travels, and that the time goes quickly until Patrick joins you at home.
Oh my goodness, Lynn. I just can't imagine what's going through your head right now as you begin to prepare to come back. I will absolutely be praying for safe and smooth travels.
We're sending prayers and good traveling vibes your way! We hope the flights will be speedy and layovers swift. Good luck!!!!
What a bittersweet time for you all. It seems to have flown by...did it for you as well?
Praying for safety!
I can't believe your time in Korea is over! It has been so great to share in your experiences through your blog. I'll be sending many prayers your way for your the mommy of one very busy toddler, I can't even imagine flying with a little one on your lap. This may even top some of your Korean adventures!
I am so anxious to see you in person and give you a big hug, my friend!
You know your blogging friends are praying!!
:( I can't believe you are gone. I'm sad I won't run in to you at the BX anymore and I know John will miss the ping pong (but atleast he still has patrick for a few more weeks AND he was very happy he got to beat you one last time before you left). But, I am also very happy for you to be moving on to the next phase of life. You will be missed!
oh my heart goes out to you on such a long flight. i'm praying today that it is w/o bumps! glad to hear you are back "home" but i'm sure it is a letdown leaving. hang in there.
I pray God give you guys a great trip home & that your little one will be more of a cuddler than normal for this trip. Does sounds like you are happy & sad on both ends. But, I will say...Welcome back home!
I'm guessing you're home now and enjoying reuniting with friends and family!
I prayed for you a lot yesterday, and was thinking of you as you prepared to leave Patrick for a few weeks and make the trek home!
Love you.
It sounds like you had such a wonderful experience in KOREA!! It has been such a blessing to read about it and see it through your eyes (and blog):-)
We will be praying for your transition.
God Bless you!
I have been away all weekend so this is late...but I hope that your travels went well. I know that leaving was bittersweet. It always is...can't wait to hear about your new adventures.
I could have met you for that quick layover in Tokyo-----just to verify whether you were a "dirty old man" or not.
I didn't realize you were leaving so soon. Why were you not command sponsored and the govt. not paying for Adeline's return flight?
I am sorry that we got kind of busy and I didn't get a chance to really figure your visit over here out!
I am thinking of you as you readjust to being back in the States! I know with your adventurous spirit you will have NO problems though!
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