Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sick Day

This post is not for the faint of heart.  It all began last evening...perhaps because I wasn't humble enough about my lack of pregnancy sickness.  It was around 9 pm.  I was looking at recipes, and suddenly I didn't feel too good.  Nothing was looking very appetizing anymore.  Not long after, I found myself violently hurling into the porcelain throne.  I felt a bit better after that...but not for long.  My mom has been telling me about this stomach bug that has been plaguing their area, but I don't know many people here who have been sick.  I didn't even go anywhere yesterday.  Well, my rendezvous with the commode continued every hour until about 7:30 am.  I'm not sure if I got more than 15 min of actual sleep.  I spent the ENTIRE day on the couch or in bed.  I had no energy to even be on the computer...certainly no mental energy to leave comments.  So, your blogs went unread today.  Due to the weather, my hubby got home early today.  I was never so happy to see his smiling face, and Adeline, well, she was an angel today.  She played well, checked in with mommy on occasion or made enough noise so I knew she was okay.  She ate the dried cranberries and Cheerios I gave her for breakfast without asking for more or fussing.  We only dealt with one tantrum where she was sure mommy needed to get up from my spot on the couch.  I assured her that wasn't happening.  I managed to keep down some Gatorade (even though I still don't understand why pure sugar in liquid form is GOOD for you when you're sick).  Tonight I ate about 3/4 of a piece of bread.

Pray that the rest of my family does not endure this plague.  I can't imagine what I would have done if Adeline had been  vomiting along with me today.  I guess God only gives us what we can bear, and He would have given me the strength if I needed it.  Of course, I was in the church nursery on Sunday.  Not sure if that's where I picked it up or if there will be many unhappy families swearing off all groups of children until May.  Sorry everyone!

Heidi, we will have to play this weekend by ear.....


Mari said...

You poor thing! As you know this bug is over here too. Rest and get better!

Kara said...

Oh that is just the worst!!! Good job Adeline for giving mommy at least a little break on her day of illness.

P.S. I SO love that new picture of your daughter on the side of the page! Priceless!!

Short Stop said...

Oh my word - you poor thing! I hope you're feeling better tonight!

Miss you.

Jean said...

Oh bless your heart! I know Lisa has had several times when all three of them had a stomach virus at the same time. Not fun at all.

I hope it all passes soon!

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear the bug got you too. When Ryan had it, I just kept thinking how terrible it would be for me to be throwing up, too.

Isn't it a blessing how children seem to know when to be on their best behavior when Mommy is under the weather (at least most of the time!)

Hope you have a speedy recovery and can make it down this weekend!

Jen said...

Oops, I was logged in as my hubby. That's me in the above post!

Tropical Mexican said...

Ughhh, it doesn't get much worse than that. Like my mom said, we have had our fun in that department. I hope the rest of the family doesn't get it.

Clorox and Lysol are my friends.

sarah said...

ugh, i'm SO sorry to hear you're sick! i had it last week and it's been going around my office, so i know your pain. i hope you're better VERY soon. rest up and sip fluids as often as you can!

krista said...

Praying for a complete recovery very soon! I know you're not having fun...and it's 10x's worse when you have a little one to take care of.

Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I wish I was closer so I could have grabbed up that little girl for the day. It is so hard to have the stomach flu and be a Mommy. As per the details, sounds like you had it pretty bad. I'm thinking it wasn't fun hanging over the toilet with your expanding belly. Get healthy and we will think about this weekend later. Love you!


Kristen said...

oh i am so sorry! how awful to be so sick. it is so hard to be a mommy and be sick at the same time.

i love your new header - so fun!

TAVA... said...

Hey Lynn! Glad I checked in...I've been away from reading, but now I'm back and YOU are pregnant!!! YAY! Congratulations! And even though I threw up every day of both of my pregnancies, I am still rejoicing that you are having a good one and feeling bad that you got in a tossle with the flu. GET BETTER QUICK!!

Jenni S. said...

I totally feel your pain. We just finished our second round of stomach virus yesterday and it's been wicked.